79th Indonesian Independence Day, 50 ASN UIN Raden Fatah Palembang Receive Satya Lencana 

79th Indonesian Independence Day, 50 ASN UIN Raden Fatah Palembang Receive Satya Lencana 

PR – UINRF – In commemoration of Indonesia’s independence day, Raden Fatah Palembang State Islamic University (UIN) held a red and white flag ceremony on the Sudirman campus field with dedication, as well as the Satya Lencana Karya Satya (SLKS), Saturday (17/8/2024).

Rector of UIN Raden Fatah, Prof. Dr. Nyayu Khodijah, S.Ag., M.Si. acting as an inspector of ceremonies conveyed the mandate of the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, saying that 79 years of the journey of independence for the Unitary State of Indonesia (NKRI).  This is evidence of the gratitude of freedom, we are born with great ideas and ideas for maintaining service to society, ensuring that every policy and program touches all walks of life, and strengthening the foundation of religion.

“On our shoulders, there is a quite heavy responsibility, namely maintaining the harmony of religious people. I remind the State Civil Servant of the Ministry of Religion to be at the forefront of controlling inclusive, moderate and tolerant religion. Make sure the Ministry of Religion is present as a professional public servant,” said the Rector.

Related to the hard work and service of the State Civil Servant (ASN) in carrying out services to the community, especially at UIN Raden Fatah Palembang, 50 ASN at UIN Raden Fatah were pinned a satya lencana by the President of the Republic of Indonesia.

The awarding and saving of the satya lencana was carried out directly by the Rector UIN Raden Fatah Palembang Prof. Dr. Nyayu Khodijah to the civil servants (PNS) who have been dedicated by demonstrating proficiency, discipline, loyalty, and devotion.

Furthermore, the Rector also conveyed that this award is a form of government appreciation given to civil servants continuously based on their skills, discipline, loyalty, and devotion so that it can be an example for other civil servants.

The awarding and saving of the satya lencana was carried out directly by the Rector UIN Raden Fatah Palembang Prof. Dr. Nyayu Khodijah to the civil servants (PNS) who have been dedicated by demonstrating proficiency, discipline, loyalty, and devotion.

Furthermore, the Rector also conveyed that this award is a form of government appreciation given to civil servants continuously based on their skills, discipline, loyalty, and devotion so that it can be an example for other civil servants.

“The award submission of satya lencana karya satya is a token of appreciation given to civil servants who have been dedicated for more than 10, 20 or 30 years continuously by showing proficiency, discipline, loyalty and devotion so that they can be used as an example for every other employee,” she concluded.

The recipient of the satya lencana karya satya consists of 30, 20, and 10 years of service, including Prof. Dr. Ris’an Rusli, M.Ag., Dr. Hj. Hamidah, M.Ag., Dr. Abu Mansur, M.Pd.I., Drs. M. Dzulfikriddin, M.Ag., Hasbullah, Dr. Mohammad Syawaludin, M.Ag., Abubakar Jauhari, S.E., M.Si., Muhammad Edy, S.E., M.Kom., Dr. Rika Lidyah, S.E., M.Si.,Ak., CA., Ahmad Nisam, S.Ag.,M.H.I., Mursilah, S.Ag.,  Puji Edi Purnumo,S.sos.I..,M Hum., Dra. Romziah, Kusmiyati, S.H.I , Yuni Melati, S.Ag.,M.H., Hilda, S.E.,M.Si., Dr. Muhamad Fauzi, M.Ag., Dr. Nyayu Soraya, S.Ag., M.Hum., Umar Abdullah, M.Ed., Ph.D., Fatah Hidayat, S.Ag., M.Pd.I., Harun Rasyid, S.Sos. , Paizatul Husnah, Dr. Lukman Nul Hakim, M.A., Antoni, S.H., M.Hum., Armasito, S.Ag.,M.H., Dr. Titin Hartini, S.E., M.Si, Mufti Fiandi, M.Ag., Emi Yulia Siska, S.E., M.Si, Muhammad Ali Hanafiah, S.E., Dr. Sutrisno Hadi, Lc, M.A., Dra. Napisah, M.Hum., Rudi Aryanto, S.Si., M.Si., Joko Septemi, S.Si., Fathurrahman, S.H, Raden Ayu Ritawati, S.E.,M.H.I., Dr. Fuadi Azmi, S.E., M.M. , Suriyani, S.E., Dr. Chandra Zaky Maulana, M.M., Armansyah Walian, M.S.I., Jon Heri, S.H.I., M.H., Dr. Hartatiana, M.Pd., Nur Habibah, S.Sos.I., M.Ε.Ι., Vaurina, S.Sos., Riza Agustiani, M.Pd., Parianto, S.Sos., Rusmala Santi, M.Kom., Wahyudin, Muhammad Yani, Aminuddin.

Author: Okta
Photographer : M. Dhezan

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